Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cold Days in the Lakes Region

In New Hampshire there lived a Governor,
John Wentworth, who some did abhor 
He would never dare, to touch his gardens or hair,
because that's what Robert Calder was for.

Now Calder, a jolly bold Scotsman,
lived on a hill, with his wife and his children,
He rode every day, back and forth, a long way,
to brush Wentworth's hair in great boredom.

But then there came a Revolution,
With fighting, and wars, and commotion,
till back with no fare, went Wentworth and his hair,
to England, where there was less confusion. 

Then Robert settled back with his family,
to tend oxen and sheep, and right proudly.
And farm hours away, his whole life, day by day,
till death did him part rather sadly.

But his story will live on forever,
as his memory will be my endeavor,
for he left his mark, right deep in my heart,
so this bold Scotsman will never die, never.

- A poem I wrote about my 6th great grandfather Robert Calder (1733-1792). 
The first picture above shows the front of his house. The second picture shows how the home's original siding has been covered by new siding over the years.

Dress: Ann Taylor (similar)
Sweater: J. Crew 
Jacket: Old
Boots: Chooka (similar)

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